

Marriage Certificate

Issuance of duplicate marriage certificates

This is for replacement of lost or torn marriage certificates.




• Full names of the parties

• Full date of marriage

• Type of Marriage

• Statutory fee of US$5 per copy.


 Processing Time

One day.

Correction of errors or substance on marriage certificates




• Original marriage certificate.

• Birth certificate and a photocopy thereof.

• Proof that an error was made.

• Notorial deed where a person has made a complete change of name.

• Statutory fee of US$5 for normal application and US$10 for urgent application.

• Provide proof of urgency for urgent applications.


 Processing time


Urgent application - 1 day

Normal Application - 1 week


 Issuance of non-marriage certificates

Confirmation of a person's marital status where a Zimbabwean national intends to marry abroad.




• Original birth certificate and a copy thereof.

• A statutory fee in case of a male US$0.5 per year calculated from 13th birthday to date.

In case of a female, US$0.5 per year calculated from the 11th birthday to date.

• A non-marriage certificate fee of US$30.


 Processing time

One week.

  Designation of marriage officers




• Completed application form for designation as a marriage officer (M1) authorized and

recommended by the Authority governing the religions denomination.

• Statutory fee of US$15.

• Applicant to write an examination.

• Pass Mark 75% and above.


 Processing time


One month.

  Authentication of marriage record


This is confirmation of any filed marriage record by the Registrar of Marriages.




• Full date of marriage.

• Full names of parties.

• Type of marriage.

• Statutory fee of US$15 - Normal.

• Statutory fee of US$25 - Urgent.


 Processing time


Normal - One month.

Urgent - 2 weeks.